Paul and the Cookie Thieves

Our family lived in America for four-and-a-bit years. Nanna and Grandpa decided to visit us while we were living in West Virginia. They actually rented a house and bought a car there, and lived there for the best part of a year.

We visited them at their house one day, as we often did. After a nice meal, we were in the lounge room (or “living room” as the Americans say). Paul was in possession of a few biscuits (or “cookies” as the Americans say). He was blissfully munching on one, with a couple more in his other hand.

Suddenly, Grandpa, who was sitting next to Paul, kicked Paul’s hand. The cookies flew straight up into the air to the sound of Grandpa going “wheeee!” Dad swung his arm around and grabbed both cookies from mid-air in a single smooth action. Paul was suddenly cookie-less.

I don’t know how Grandpa and Dad conspired to do it, but it was marvellously executed, perfectly timed and delightful to watch.

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