There’s the problem. You can’t equate living, reproducing, mutating organisms with the things that mankind design and build.
Can I compare living organisms with genetic algorithms that mankind design and run on a computer? Software engineers sometimes consider using a "genetic algorithm" for finding good software solutions to certain difficult problems. These algorithms are:
designed by people
limited according to the parameters of evolvability that the humans designed into the system
Sorry, non sequitur. Was the swine flu virus created by god or did it evolve?
Evolved, or perhaps I should say, arose through genetic change. You may be surprised, but creationists aren't in denial about genetic change of populations over time, and natural selection. The issue is whether such mechanisms are able to go from ancient goop to complex life as we see it today.
Can I compare living organisms with genetic algorithms that mankind design and run on a computer? Software engineers sometimes consider using a "genetic algorithm" for finding good software solutions to certain difficult problems. These algorithms are:
Evolved, or perhaps I should say, arose through genetic change. You may be surprised, but creationists aren't in denial about genetic change of populations over time, and natural selection. The issue is whether such mechanisms are able to go from ancient goop to complex life as we see it today.